Monday, August 31, 2009


make a wish!

hope yours comes true...mine did!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

well, now that August is over & all the fun busy/crazyness that it was,, maybe I'll have time to post about it!
School started off totally great..I am loving my school. my team is awesome & students are wonderful to boot! Avery turned three {really that day she started talking even more and saying such big girl things} Oh she'll always be my baby girl.

My mom, Auntie, and Avery went to see Dora at the Fox theatre. Avery's first! It was a good show and Avery was into it the whole time. I thought she'd sing more, but she was totally entralled at the stage.

Auntie Connie {Avery's Godmother} with Avery and my mom

Saturday, August 8, 2009


..if only it was in Greece.
No, our Athens here...University of Georgia was my adopted school since mine was small {i.e nothing to do} we would go there for concerts, eventful shopping, etc. My brother graduated from there and my huzbin has grown up a UGA fan. Anyways my point is that now Bryce is a fan and wants to go to UGA. Although he has declared he is never moving away {oh help me} ever. We took Bryce & Avery to the countdown to kickoff day last month and Bryce got his {play} helmet autographed by some of the current & past football players.
We checked in on the Georgia Theater that suffered a fire in June. I wasn't sure what had burnt down, so I was happy to see this still standing...
I have seen some awesome shows there... I hope they are able to rebuild the theater {I believe it's over 100 years old} We ate at one of my fave restaurants there and roamed around a little..