Monday, January 28, 2008

Bloggy giveaway

Giveaway now closed...thanks for all the comments =) I will post the winner Saturday afternoon!

Photobucket I heard about this carnival of giveaways on Amanda's seemed real interesting, so I had to jump on. I am giving away a Scrabble tile pendant from Littleput books on Etsy. Love love Etsy! Check out her'll be able to pick your fav {a hard feat-they are all so darn cool} when you win.

So how do you enter you ask...just post a lil comment and make sure you enter a valid e-amil address- you don't have to have a blog =). ...oh! & I'd like to know if ya have any kids or pets, so you can add that if you wish.

Enter until Friday the 1st at 11:59 EST and I'll pick the winner using a random number generator - or my son pointing to one =) & post the winner on Saturday and contact you!

Go see all the other goodies to be given away and enter in some or all {over 500! last time I checked}...and hop along the blog trail! Good Luck!!!!


Brit said...

I'm lucky number 1! Beautiful pieces!!!! I'd love to win!

dawn224 said...

I’d love a chance to win! Thanks! Dawn :)

(contact info - dawn at

Kelsey S said...

What a great giveawy!!!

God Bless,

Becca said...

The Italian Blue Print caught my eye! Beautiful!

60 toes said...

love all of them, so cute.

I have one golden retriever

Three kids and one on the way.

ali said...

i have a dog. :)

i'd like to win the K or the M

Andrea said...

yay! I would have a hard time choosing which pendant!

Geri said...

Great Giveaway!!! Thanks


KnittinChick said...

I love the Peace tile!

Londa said...


Yes, I have three children (one due in a month). And I have one dog that I've had since before I married my husband 10 years ago!

ljbs3 (at) juno (dot) com

Lisa said...

LOVE those pendants -- and I'm a beader so I'd have such fun with it! I have teenage 2 sons and a dog.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen those until now. Beautiful!!!

Alana said...

Those are just gorgeous...this one is my favorite...

Fine Silver Textured Discs and Silver Freshwater Pearl Earrings

Unknown said...

Great giveaway! I have two kids, ages 18mo and 3.

Wendy Sue said...

Those are gorgeous...I'd love to wear one! :o)

Amy said...

great giveaway, those are really pretty.


I love them all, but I like bonjour little blossom the best.

Laura Paxton said...

What a really cool idea! And pretty! Please count me in!

I have 6 kids, and one kitty.

windycindy said...

Wow, what a unique and wonderful idea! I love the way they look. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks very much.....Cindi

Anonymous said...

I love those. Such pretty pieces and so unique!

Owner said...

wow, beautiful work there!

Melissa~ said...

Your banner is so sweet. I have two boys and no pets (two boys remember? that's enough cleaning...*LOL*)

The pendants are beautiful!!

Pink Paper Peppermints

erika~ the inspired mama said...

oooh, pretty necklaces!

we have a house full... 4 kiddos, 2 cats, 1 dog, a fish and a frog :D

JaniceJ said...

Thanks for the giveaway, I have 3 kids and 1 dog.

Katy said...

Please enter me!!! I would love to win! :)

I have three kiddos, 2 dogs, a cat and 21 chickens! :)

Unknown said...

These are so pretty, very unique. Sign me up, please. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I wanna win. I wanna win! : )

Bird Stalker Photography said...

I want to win one, my email should be in my profile!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful stuff, I'd love to win!

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Beautiful! I have four kids, two dogs. Thanks for hosting!

Searching For Simplicity said...

I don't wear jewelry often but I really, really like those!! We have three children, another due soon, four cats, a dog, two rabbits, two goats, and four chickens and anything else that happens to wander to us needing a home I'm sure LOL.

Sarah said...

Those are really beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win.

Liz Zelie said...

I love the Edo Blue one. Count me in! Thanks for introducing us to this great Etsy shop.

Anonymous said...

Very lovely pieces. I'd wear them with pride! Oh, and zero kids of my own, but I do have three nephews& niece who I love dearly!

Mrs. C said...

These are beautiful. I'm in awe of your talent!

Thank you for an opportunity to win.

Now I'm off to check out your blog!

suzzcq70 said...

It would be tough to choose just one, but I'll manage!

We have two sons, one through traditional adoption and one through embryo adoption. Read about us at
and check our our giveaways!

Mrs. C said...

Oops...I was so excited to check out your blog that I forgot to tell you I have two boys (6 and 3) and a dog (9).

And my email is via my blog profile.

Thanks again.

momofmhasr said...

How nice, And yes I have kids, five girls, one hubby and one black lab who is almost 6 and still thinks it is a puppy!

Aubrey said...

No kidding... I currently have on MY scrabble tile pendant that I got with some birthday money from her etsy store. But I really love it, and would love to have another, or maybe I'll be generous and give it to my sister-in-law. :) Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!

Rebecca said...

Please enter me! I have four kiddos and one on the way. And two cats. :)

rebeccagillespie at

Randall @ Happy For This Moment said...

I love Etsy too. I did almost all my Christmas shopping there this year! Great giveaway :o)

ohAmanda said...

Oh, glad I pointed you in the right direction! ;) Thanks for the linky love.

I've seen these tiles on etsy. SO CUTE. I think bee at willblogforshoes has one of these up for her prize, too! How funny!

CrystalGB said...

Count me in. :)

ikkinlala said...

Those pendants are gorgeous!

I don't have any kids or any pets of my own - my family has barn cats, but I'm away at university right now.

Laurel said...

i have a 14 month old who JUST got in a whole set of molars!!

my fav tile piece is...VERTIGO! that one is way too cool!

Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

Cute pendants! I have two daughters and two cats.

nicole said...

I love the pendants. I have four kids with number five due to arrive on Feb. 27.

Anonymous said...

I have 7 children and 1 cat, 3 ornery farm chickens (what remains of our flock after raccoons and oppossums attacked).

Count me in please.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away. Don't miss the daily edition of contests galore that I post on my blog.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

email is in my profile or you can use the contact form on my blog

*~hj~* said...

Thank You! I love the pendants!

Katie Swaner said...

I am finding so many cool shops!

My Trendy Tykes said...

I would love to win!

I have 3 kiddos and 1 cat in my home.


cmay said...

littleput books is my favorite!!!

~Nancy~ said...

I love the Rosa! LOVE IT!

I have one daughter, a college senior; one spoiled cat, Koko, and I tend to 3 aquariums of Jack Dempsey fish for my Feller.

What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance and please be sure to come enter mine.

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful giveaway!


Brooke said...

Beautiful items! I have three kids, but no pets so far... looking for a fun family dog still!

Wendy said...

Great giveaway! Count me in:)

peg42 said...

Thanks for the terrific giveaway. Please enter me. Thanks.

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I'd love to win!


Leone said...

So cool! Please enter me!!!!! THanks.

Jane said...

Those are just beautiful! I have two girls, one dog, and one cat. I'd love to win.

peaches said...

These are beautiful! I have three children, and I know that my daughters will be fighting me to wear it!

Lomagirl said...

I love these- the Italian ones, and the shy violet are my favs!

Unknown said...

count me in please!!!
crazyaboutgus (at) gmail (dot) com

Someone Being Me said...

I love the Shy Violet one the best. They are all pretty though. I have bookmarked the site to go back when I have money.

Edna said...

What a cute giveaway! I have thirteen grand daughters so any of these pendants would make one of their eyes sparkle! Thank you!

Jenny said...

I love Edo Daisy!

Scarlett said...

These are so beautiful!

I have a big chihuahua (he's ten pounds), and no children (I'm still in college :P). My sister is pregnant right now, though.

Molly said...

So beautiful. It would be hard to pick one, but I think the Purple Bloom was lovely! Thanks for sharing.

I have four and a half kids. Baby number five (girl number two) is due to arrive in about two months.

Erin said...

Those are really pretty! I have a husband and a 1 year old >>>

Shannon said...

Your pendants are beautiful!

I am mommy to four little boys...ages 1, 2-3/4, 4-1/2, and almost 6 (on Feb 2). We are due with #5 this summer...hoping for a girl, but who are we kidding...BOY, lol. We also have 5 very resiliant fish!

Annikke said...

What a unique pendant! I love it!
I have 2 boys (ages 7 and 5) and a little girl about to turn 3!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Cool stuff! Thanks for the chance.

I have one two year old and am waiting for another daughter.

Christine said...

I have 6 kiddos - 7 year old twins, 5 (my only girl), 3, 2, and 5 months. I also have 1 cat and a big, cuddly hubby!!
These pendants are wonderful... I would be thrilled if I won!

mama2drama said...

I love the chance to win. I have 4 precious little girls and our big old Great Dane!

picklemommy said...

Hey- love the pendants. I have 2 boys, a girl, 2 cats, 5 fish and a husband who puts up with us all!

Jennifer Beaver said...

Those are beautiful! I love the Edo Blue!

Teddi said...

Those are great - love the fireworks pendant! I have 3 kiddos (9, 7 and almost 3). No pets - kids are enough! shhhh...don't tell them that!

Erin said...

Those Pendants are beautiful, my favorite is the Flourishing Green Pendant. Oh and I have one daughter. Thanks for the giveaway.

Mrs. Sara said...

Hi! My name's Sara, and I have no kids yet, but I have two cats, Coconut and Loki, and one dog, Nicodemus! Plus a furry husband. :)

Carrie said...

I love the dragonfly tile! How cute! I have a puppy, 2 kids and a husband! The house is not being cleaned because of this carnival!!!! Thanks for participating!

bren j. said...

The tiles are lovely! (We've got a sweet little 7-month-old girl and two fat cats!)

Doodle Bugs said...

no kids, two cats!

Doodle Bugs said...

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! Please add my name to the hat!

Donna said...

How did you know that I have been drooling over her tile pendants!?

Anonymous said...

Littleput is so rad!

Anonymous said...

I love the marakesh, orange is my favorite color so it would match most of my clothes

elaine@bloginmyeye said...

Cute. I have a 7yo girl, a 5yo boy, a 3 yo dog, and a 16 yo cat.

Lissete said...

Those are so cute. I Love the Edo Chiyogami one & the Gold on Merlot.

I do have kids. Two girls. Not so little anymore though. One is 18 & one is 17! They grow too fast!

Barb said...

Those are so cool. I'd pick the van gogh sunflower. I'd like to win...Please pick me!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Cool stuff!
I have 3 kids and FIVE dogs! I post abou thtem all the time. Stop by my blog!
Hope I win!

Re said...

I have fish and kids :)GREAT contest! I really want to win. :)

MB said...

i would love to win!!! oh and i have two kids and two dogs.!!!!!!

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

Please enter me to win.

Susan said...

I sooo love littleputbooks. Count me in!!!

Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

Those are so cute - I'd never seen anything like them until this bloggy giveaway carnival! I really like the plum blossom one.

Contessa Kris said...

Ohhh, what adorable items! I hope to win!

karmama said...

Thanks for a fun giveaway!

Elena said...

Very nice! Thanks for the contest!

Pheobie said...

Too cute! Have 9 month old son and 6 year old dog (son).

ahiltz said...

Those are so adorable! I esp. love the Fastest Cute Rabbit! Thank you so much for doing this!

Mommy said...

Please enter me! Those are so neat! I have three children, a bird and a cat. Thank you for offering such a nice prize. :)

Little Piddles said...

So cute:) Loved to win this one!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)

brooke said...

I don't have any kids OR pets, but I really want to have some of each someday soon. :) Cute stuff.

Whitney said...

They're beautiful! Can't believe you made those from scrabble peices! Let's see, I don't have any kids (a boyfrind though and some days it seems like he's a kid...) I have a cat at home named Tigger but I don't get to see her much since I like two hours away at school. Well that's all I've got for now. Thanks for the giveaway :)

Shama-Lama Mama said...

Oh my gosh, my necklaces are ALL pendants on black cord. Those little tins are sweet too!

I have three sons, two of whom are twins. I had a kittie, but I had to put her to sleep just shy of her 19th birthday!

Anonymous said...

~Count me in! I have two kids, no pets. (But my youngest licks me and occasionally pees on the furniture--that should count for something)

rookiem at live dot com

Hootyboosmom said...

Cool gift! I like a ton of them. I am blessed with 2 girls (10 & 6). No pets right now (we rent!) Thanks for offering!

Paula Clare said...

Hey there! I LOVE your Etsy shoppe! I have two grown boys and 1 adorable grandson...oh, and 2 granddogs and a pet betta named Oto.

Anonymous said...

they are beautiful! would love to have one...

trepunkterirad(a)hotmail dot com

jayedee said...

great giveaway! please throw my name into the hat too! good luck everyone!

Jenna said...

The pendant is adorable... we have a dog and two cats. No human babies yet.

Katie said...

Do kids count as pets? Okay, one toddler boy, one baby girl, one neurotic Blue Heeler, one cat that poops on the floor, and one pukey cat. Thanks!

Bree said...

One baby, two pets!

Heather said...


Anonymous said...

Littleput Books makes such pretty pendants! No kids, but I have 2 cats and a bunch of fish.

Melanie said...

Three kiddos, one pet. And one husband who can sometimes fall into the kiddo category.

GiBee said...

I have a son and one dog (a maltese)... Thanks for the chance to enter your drawing!

charmed said...

Ok, here's my list, I have a husband, 5 sons, 2 dogs, 5 cats, and 3 chickens. See, I need pretty. What a great giveaway! Please enter me, arogers(at)gmail(dot)com

Snowbird said...

Count me in. I have two kids, 5 grandkids, am retired, and a wildlife rescuer and rehabber. Life is good. By the way, I love the picture at the top of your blog. Adorable.

Tabitha said...

The pendants are beautiful! I have a boy, a girl, and just found out we're having another. We also have a cat and a bird...that so far get along!

PS said...

Love all the pendants I saw! I have 2 kids, 2 and 1. We were crazy. We have a cat who keeps the mice out of the garage.

Anonymous said...

what beautiful pieces! they are gorgeous! I love etsy stuff. :) I have had three little boys, one in heaven. No pets (unless you count our chocolate lab that went to live with my in-laws when we moved to attend seminary!).

Marcia said...

I love the Bonjour Blossom! That's so elegant!

litabug said...

Enter me!! I fell in love with the littleput pendants after seeing them advertised on design*sponge! We have a 20-month old son and a 6-week old daughter. No pets now, but we used to have four cute little toads. :)

Anonymous said...

We have 3 babies in heaven. Our only pets are fish. We would like about a dozen kids and a dog (maybe 2 dogs!) :) Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me! The pieces are simply beautiful! We have no pets (combination of allergies and travelling) and no kids yet.

Anonymous said...

Those are pretty! I have 5 kids, 4 birds and a turtle.

Busch family said...

I love those! I have one little boy and another one on the way in October. :) No pets, yet.
Thanks for entering me!


Anonymous said...

since i am a scrabble lover this is perfect!

Valerie said...

Have a kitty!

Sarah Rose said...

Love it!

I have a little girl and a big dog. They love each other more than they love us!

Queen of My Domain said...

Those are cute pendants. I'd have to fight my girls over them. My boys probably wouldn't care as much.

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Those are adorable!! I'd love it even more because Scrabble is my favorite game. I LOVE to beat my husband at it! :)

I have four daughters and a hamster. (Also a girl.) My husband is surrounded by females and he loves it! :)

Superdumb Supervillain said...

bon jour blossom and hardware are my faves!

Teri said...

Those are so-SO cute! I love the fireworks one!

PS - I have no children (hopefully we'll get that miracle someday) and a fat cat named Faithy :)

Kyra said...

Wonderful giveaway! I have one son (turns 2 tomorrow!) and 2 big dogs!

byoc said...

I have two of her pendants from the Dog days of summer giveaway! I love them and have to fight my daughter off of them.
I have 7 kids, a dog, 2 cats, a hampster and a bunch of fish. With a mother, dog, and cat on they way next month!

I love all her new stuff, and the screw pendant on the last page is funny!

Bebemiqui said...

Great giveaway! Count me in.

Dara @ Not In Jersey said...

count me in! I have 2 kids and 1 dog. :)

Sahm Lee said...

Enter me please! I have 2 kids, 13 cats(at the moment at least) and 1 dog!
(I live in a zoo)

Anonymous said...

Those are all very pretty! The Purple Bloom was my favorite. I love purple. :-)

I'm not married and I don't have any pets or children. I'm not crazy about pets, but I would love to have a husband and children someday! :-)

Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Awww, those are really cool. My favorite one was Little Blossoms.
I'm a teenager, so I don't have any kids, and my family doesn't have pets, sorry to be so boring. :)

Nancy Sabina said...

Kids...Pets...same thing, right? They make noise and messes. Have to be fed and cleaned regulary. No, I'm just teasing. I love my kids. I have 3 and we want more. But no pets. - Cuz honestly, we have enough messes and mouths to feed.

rae said...

Love your stuff... thanx for entering me!

Erin said...

What an awesome giveaway!

I have two boys & a dog. Busy house!

Unknown said...

Good giveaway.
I have a sweet dog named Bug. No kids, we're still getting through all that college muck.

Trista said...

No pets or kids yet.... the hubby needs to finish med school first!

Amber said...

I would love to win this pendant. I have one teenage daughter. Thanks for the giveaway & please enter me!

Anonymous said...

These are so very cute! Feel for a fw of them!

Marly said...

We have four cats, three dogs, and one amazing kid!

Anonymous said...

Kids? Uh, a 4 year old named K-. Pets? A 10 year old Maine Coon that was a rescue kitty (spoiled and our first child. She knows it and reminds us of it.) We have Spike, the rescue iguana. Oh, and we can't forget Nemo, despite the fact that he is the third in the series and soon to be retired I fear! Thanks!

art and nature [at] juno *dot* com

Anonymous said...

These are so cute!

I have one Siamese cat.

emilycontestemail at gmail dot com

Genevieve P said...

So beautiful! I liked lots of them--one of my favs was Crowded Garden. I have 4 children--all girls--the oldest is 4!--and one cat--also a girl! (my poor husband is drowning in estrogen! : ))

Unknown said...

yup, skin baby and fur baby. skin baby is 19mos old, and very good at it. fur baby thinks he's a skin baby.

Anonymous said...

Those are so pretty. I don't have kids but i have 6 younger siblings.

mommyofmany said...

Unique giveaway! They're beautiful!

We have MANY children and 1 dog...

Anonymous said...

Oh, what beautiful things in her Etsy shop - I'm adding it to my favorites! Thank you for the fun giveaway - i'm finding lots of fun things to try and win for my daughter and I, a few things for my husband, (and no pets in our family at this time.)

wiredwilsons AT gmail DOT com

AmandaChristina said...

Oh! I hope I win! I have been looking at those pendants on Etsy for a while now. So please pick me!

I am still in college so no kids, but I do have the two cutest black cats- Cocoa and Espresso.

fyjules said...

Great Prize, count me in.

noreen said...

if I had to pick right now it would be Japanese Red blossoms on Blue, a pendant in a tiny slide top box

heather h said...

Oh what fun, I'd love to win. Thank you for your generosity!!

Anonymous said...

These are alll so beautiful. I loved the Bonjour Blossom, pink on grey in particular, but anything blue will do... thanks for entering me...:)

Susanna said...

Ooh yes plese. YOu didn't say if people in the UK can I'll try anyway .Thank you :)

Victoria Martin said...

those pendants are awesome!

one kid, one dog (sheltie) & 1 bunny here :)

tori dot martin at

Lindsie said...

Love these things!! We don't have any pets but have a 2 year old son and a 3 1/2 month old daughter!

Thank you!

Angela said...

I have 7 chihuahuas (and one is pregant), one miniature pinscher, a rabbit, and of course my 9 month old son

Seth and Mary said...

3 boys!

Vickie said...

What a cool idea! I have one daughter and two cats.

Hélène said...

Please enter me.

Anonymous said...

Wow, those are beautiful! My favorite was "Checkers, a little gray and sweet golden blue pendant."

I have a nearly-2-year-old son, a 5 year old cat, and a 4 year old cat. :-) Great giveaway idea!


Kellie said...

Hi. We spell our names the same. I sell on Etsy too.

Christi S said...

Ooh, I love it! Thanks for sharing! I have two sons who are almost 7 and 4, and several pets: 3 cats, 2 dogs, and 7 fish, I think??! LOL

Sara@Sarandipity said...

Beautiful pieces! I'd love a chance to win! I have 1 son, 3 dogs, 1 cat and a tank full of fish...since you asked!

Katie said...

Please enter me . katie_mmartin [at] yahoo (dot) com

Joanna said...

Enter me in your giveaway, please. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I'm giving away a scrabble tile pendant from Etsy, too! Different artist, but I love their stuff too!

And since you asked I have an almost 20 month-old boy and a new baby on the way!

Anonymous said...

Wow, those are so pretty. I have to enter, if only because we have the same name. :)

Kel said...

Oops. Hard to contact me without my info!

Momof4 said...

I'd love a chance to win a Scrabble tile pendant! Those are really hot right now.

I'm a SAHM to 3 kids age 5 & under. My interests & such are on my MySpace as well a few in my Google profile. I'm interested in breastfeeding, homebirth, homeschooling, your run of the mill stuff. :-)

Anonymous said...

So pretty! Thanks for the chance to win.

Jenna Z said...

Neat-o prize!

Katy-Anne Binstead said...

I have a baby boy and a baby on the way.

Anonymous said...

Love Etsy! No kids, no pets.

Michelle@Life with Three said...

I love those pendants -- it's so hard to even choose one that I like best! I have three kids: 5, 3 and 8 months. Thanks for the chance to win! mlciavola(at)yahoo(dot)com.

Tania said...

Okay. Well I have no kids but I do have one cat who is spoiled rotten. He's our little one for right now. I really like the look of the Vertigo pendant. Thanks so much! said...

I'd love the chance to win!

Chantelle said...

awesome! please enter me. I would love to win!

oh and i am the proud mommy to 2 monsters lol my ds are 2 and 7 and i also have another son my 2 yr old shih tzu jojo

A family of boys said...

I'd love these! Let's see...I have 3 boys. Yikes, the keep me busy. And two cats, two dogs, two fish and two hermit crabs. Our own little zoo!

trishia said...

Gorgeous! I have never seen those before. What a creative idea.
I am in love with the fireworks one. And for your question- I have five wonderful children (one lonely boy with his four younger sisters) and one crazy fun black lab. (and my husband- they count as kids, right?)

trishiag {et} gmail {det} com

Michelle said...

This is the second time I've heard about these and I think I'm in love! I really need to look into this area of crafts--what lovely pendants they make! Thanks for entering me! (Oh and I have a cuddly, stocky little dog named Gussy!)

kelly said...

Please choose me!

Ginny said...

Glad you joined in, love what you are giving away!

Holladay Family said...

You're right! The items in her store are so lovely and I would be thrilled with any of them. Her prices are so reasonable too! Thank you for you having such a generous giveaway! I would LOVE to win!

My email is holladayfam(at)gmail(dot)com.
(Please email me if I win!)

Thanks again!

Williams' Family said...

Love it!

Meredith A. said...

Count me in! I have a little one on the way :)

Jennifer said...

I don't have any pets, but I do have a little girl. you can read all about her on my blog.

Southerner said...

Five kids and the demonic yorkshire terrior. I love the pendants

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

Thanks for the contest!

Charity said...

Those are so cool! Thanks for the great giveaway.

I have three sons (11,9,4), two male Betta fish, and 3 little, white, female mice.

James & Andrea said...

Thanks for doing this. We have a 3 year old pug dog!