We had so much fun last weekend with Sean & Summer at the Widepread Panic show.hooray they played it & blight! Wish this too. It was quite chilly Saturday and I was sad to put on socks~ but it was worth it. Summer had chicken to keep warm. We always run into our other friends from college, it's good to catch up. Then we stayed over my parents and my brother Ryan & Ashley came over Sunday.
oH how they GrOw..
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Posted by Kellie H 5 comments
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Kathleen @ Grosgrain is up to more good......check out her stuff if you haven't already. She is giving away reversible skirts & tops to match. Super cute fabrics and pockets... to hold goodies to feed the ducks with she says.
Posted by Kellie H 1 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I love love the smell of cinnamon, so the Yankee Candle company is still my all time favorite place to shop for candles. They usually have the best gift sets for Christmas presents. Paul cannot stand to walk by, let alone walk into the store. He complains of headaches....anyway back to Halloween.
For some great places to visit, check out a fanciful twist for Vanessa's party & her links {thanks Nathalie}. Now to find some orange & black boots....

Posted by Kellie H 42 comments
"The Dubers"
A hightlight was Elvis in TN working at a gas station sporting a tee with the statement-> Bigger is Better. Oh & the touristy fireworks store with random statues/carnival items outside such as
& later at the hotel Earl with Minnesota's beaver...what is it again???
That night the 4 of us met up with the wedding party in the Short North {had to learn the area}
In case we needed to call a cab again, I opted to take a quick photo of the phone number...you know if case we forgot it.
We had a grand time partying {in my ten dollar dress} with Sarah & Michael the newlyweds and our friends Denni & Earl, Ellie & Trevor, Kate, & Holly. I miss them so!!! My feet hurt sooo bad after all the dancing that Denni & I had to take our heels off as we crossed the road from the Statehouse to our hotel. Such beautiful grocery store feet we had. I don't think my feet hurt that bad since Music Midtown in '99. Surely not as bad as the man that ran a half marathon barefoot in the snow. So I guess I survived alright =) ,,,don't know why I didn't take off my heels..
oh the dress I originally bought to wear will be saved for our prom. If we ever move!
I am glad we had the chance to go...and thanks to the grandmas for babysitting the kiddos. Hope M & S are getting some good photographs on their safari!
ain't love grand?
Posted by Kellie H 7 comments
Shenandoah Costume GIVEAWAY !!!!!!!
How great is this costume? Grosgrain of course! Click on her link to enter. There is such great detail and I know I would have fun wearing it. Now what will the weather be like this Halloween? We are lucky here that we don't always have to wear coats over our costumes trick-or-treating. Already started buying candy...and eating it too!
Posted by Kellie H 2 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
food on a boat
no, no boat trip...just Bryce's kids meal arriving on a boat
Happy half birthday {almost} to my baby brother Ryan. I haven't seen you in forever!
Happy Birthday to Denni in 6 days & Austin in 8!!!!!!!
...next post {hopefully soon} on Sarah & Michael's wedding. We had a real good time and I think my feet are finally back to normal.
Posted by Kellie H 4 comments